There are three priorities I have when searching for a new position:

  1. Societal benefit. Does the company provide a benefit to the world and meet my expectations of ethics and morality?
  2. Culture. Will I fit well within the culture of the organization and will my local department match my personality and interests? Will my co-workers challenge me and enable me to grow as a person?
  3. Product. Is the product of interest to me and something I see myself focusing on for the next 3-5 years?

I should mention that while these priorities work well for me, I’m in a privileged state of my career where I no longer have to prioritize items like salary. If I were earlier in my career and struggling to meet financial means, salary would make the top three if not sit at number one.

My career is also focused on corporate environments where things like stress is rarely a factor. If I were to pivot and dive back into the structure of a design firm, I’d be reprioritizing mental health and work hours while being cautious about what job descriptions refer to as “fast-paced environments”.