
An Interview With Nate

An Interview With Nate

In this episode of “Behind the Build,” Nate Bauer takes center stage to explore the dynamic fusion of UX, Agile methodologies, and Healthcare Innovation Projects. As the host of this podcast, Nate shares his unique perspective on these crucial intersections.

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How UX fits in an Agile framework

How UX fits in an Agile framework

Agile in UX is a product design approach that prioritizes incremental development, early value delivery, and iterative improvements, in contrast to the traditional waterfall method that aims to get everything right on the first try.

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An Introduction To Slicing

An Introduction To Slicing

Slicing is a methodology that streamlines a UX designer’s efforts into a deliverable, creating a visual workstream of a product’s development cycle.

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Proto Personas

Proto Personas

There are three categories of personas: Proto Personas, Qualitative Personas, and Statistical Personas. In this article, we talk about why UX is moving toward Proto Personas.

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Capturing Brand Drivers

Capturing Brand Drivers

You don’t have to be a marketer to figure out how to build attraction to a product or service. This tactic enables anyone to focus how one talks about a product.

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Memories on a Graph

Memories on a Graph

Following Simon Sinek’s book Find Your Why, I’ve graphed influential memories with a motivation of finding patterns, themes, and what drives me as an individual.

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