The development of a mature agile workflow varies depending on the unique characteristics of each project. Every team faces distinct requirements, challenges, and communication needs that must be addressed. However, as the agile philosophy emphasizes specific user roles, there are certain similarities in the communication patterns among these roles. Moreover, given that most agile teams operate in two-week sprints, there are commonalities in the timelines and level of effort required in each iteration.
At Centene, we employ a process called Slicing for our design-to-delivery handoff, yet the fundamental structure of a UX designer’s work during the sprint remains consistent. Backlog prioritization, the ‘Design, Build, Test’ workflow, and effective communication with all stakeholders for approvals are all essential components of each iteration. At a high level, this timeline can serve as a useful framework for ensuring a successful sprint.

- Day 1: Prioritize hypotheses and the potential features you’d like to validate and design for that sprint.
- Day 2-5: Research hypotheses with users, product owners, and other stakeholders. Build ‘80% Satisfaction’ mockups.
- Day 6: Review current mockups with Product Owners and Developers to validate course and feasibility while also informing the team of upcoming efforts.
- Day 7: Refine mockups based on Product Owner and Developer feedback. Write documentation for the new designs.
- Day 8: Demo the new designs with all stakeholders. Walk them through new features and what problems you’re attempting to solve for this iteration. Ideally, get sign-offs.
- Day 9-10: Fix the items that were discovered in the Day 8 demo. If needed, follow up with specific stakeholders to validate redesigns.
As mentioned earlier, each team is unique. This schedule should work as a base outline that any UX designer can augment to better suit their individual and team needs.